Fox News Channel Interview - Transcript

Date: May 27, 2009

Fox News Channel Interview - Transcript

Fox News Channel Interview with Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN)

Subject: Cap-and-Trade Legislation and the Republican Energy Summit

Interviewer: Bill Hemmer

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MR. HEMMER: Mike Pence is the number three Republican in the House, chairman of the Republican Conference Committee. He's back home in his home state of Indiana.

And, sir, good morning to you.

SEN. PENCE: Good morning, Bill.

MR. HEMMER: You know, there are essentially arguments, and I just want to understand one at a time. Why would people in states like Indiana, your constituents, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois under the cap-and-trade bill before Congress, why would those constituents pay more money for energy under that plan, sir?

SEN. PENCE: Well, under the cap-and-trade legislation, it -- the cost of -- those of us that derive the majority of our energy from coal-burning power plants -- could potentially double. I mean, utility rates -- the governor of Indiana wrote a week ago -- I think he's going to testify today before our energy summit -- the cost of utility rates across the midwest could double. But that's not even the whole story.

You know, energy costs -- as an official with the local water company told me this morning over coffee here in Indianapolis -- energy costs are their second largest cost in the delivery of water services to the capital city in Indianpolis. So --

MR. HEMMER: So it's not just people, it's businesses.


MR. HEMMER: But let me just say carbon-based --

SEN. PENCE: Household expenses will go up by more than $3,000 per year if this cap-and-trade legislation becomes law.

MR. HEMMER: And the reason is, based on your logic -- I just want to get this --


MR. HEMMER: -- information out there -- it's carbon-based energy, right? It comes from coal --


MR. HEMMER: -- and oil. Is that right?

SEN. PENCE: Well, traditional fossil fuels, those that produce CO2 are going to be faced with this, you know, these new caps and this complex scheme. But basically it's going to be an enormous revenue stream to the federal government. The administration pegs it in the next 10 years at about $646 billion. Many experts think it's much more than that. But even if you use that number, that figures to be about $3,100 in higher energy costs every single year.

But to your point, Bill, and the reason we were in Pittsburgh yesterday and we're in Indianapolis today, is the impact of cap-and- trade across the heartland of America where we derive our energy from coal-burning power plants for electricty is going to be the most acute. And it's a job killer. You know, we're going to -- we're going to hear from experts in manufacturing here in Indiana today. And, you know, if -- if -- if these experts are right, we could literally see this economy shed between 2 (million) and 7 million jobs in the coming years if this cap-and-trade legislation becomes law.

MR. HEMMER: And just to -- and just to understand that, what your point is is that as the costs go up, these companies are going to lay off workers. They're going to go find somewhere else to do their business because it'll be cheaper for them essentially. Now --


MR. HEMMER: -- what we need to nail down in this conversation is the solution.

SEN. PENCE: Right.

MR. HEMMER: What is yours?

SEN. PENCE: Well, we're working on that as well. I mean, part of the reason that we're criss-crossing the country with these energy summits is to make the case against the national energy tax in the cap-and-trade bill. But to your point, we're also listening to the experts and getting ideas for our new version of the American Energy Act.

Our solutions group's been charged by John Boehner to develop a Republican alternative. And that alternative's going to encompass giving the American people more access to traditional sources of energy, coal, natural gas, more of our own domestic reserves. But we heard yesterday in Pennsylvania about things like carbon capture and sequestration, new clean coal technologies that this country ought to give incentives to.

We ought to encourage the development of those things. That, in combination with more exploration, more nuclear power, more solar, wind -- you know, we can have a bright future of energy independence here in the United States that's grounded on the strengths of our economy. We don't need to pass a massive national energy tax on every household and every business in America, Bill.

MR. HEMMER: Well, when it comes to nuclear, I guess if the French can do it, we can do it. But we've been very resistant to it --

SEN. PENCE: Right.

MR. HEMMER: -- for four decades now. I've --

SEN. PENCE: Right. We're going to have a -- we're going to be in California tomorrow talking nuclear.

MR. HEMMER: -- got to run. But this is what I -- this is what I understand. You might have the votes in the House to pass it, but not on the Senate side. Is that a fact? Yes or no?

SEN. PENCE: I don't know if it's a fact. We want to beat cap- and-trade bill on the floor of the House of Representatives. The American people know we can do better.

MR. HEMMER: Mike Pence, thank you. Indianapolis, Indiana.

SEN. PENCE: Thank you, Bill.

MR. HEMMER: You got it.

